Sunday, 26 June 2016

Before I slope off to bed

I'd like everyone in the World to remember these things in such divisive times:

Politicians will lie
Inflation is inevitable
So is work, taxes and Death
History repeats itself
Except on BBC iPlayer when you may get only 30 days
The media are manipulative
The non-fiction section of the Library is not
Culture is a worldwide phenomenon
Tolerance is a conscious choice
Google is not the only search engine
Windows will still update at inappropriate times
Macs will give you a choice but hide the result
Jesus did not turn water to wine, that takes grapes as well
Rome did conquer most of Europe
We are here to learn
We may fail the final exam
Advice is a form of nostalgia
Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge
People will still marry
Some will divorce
True Love will always endure
Hatred will drown in its own juice
The sun will not explode in your lifetime
Betelgeuse might
The rain does stop sometimes
The weather is a global event
Apophis might give us a firework display in 20 yrs
Etna does it at least once a month
If everyone is happy with you, you've made a lot of compromises
If you're happy with everyone, you've ignored all their faults
Judgement is always served warm
Retribution is served cold
True friends will stay with you
Families are fickle but still families
You will get old
You will not remember these words when you do
Goodnight and may your God (s) go with you x